Friday, January 16, 2009

Greetings From Luxor

Hello Everyone!

I know we keep saying that we are trying to do updates as often as we can because internet will be scarce, but this time it is pretty likely. We are just about to end the part of our journey through Egypt, as in three days time we will be entering Sudan. We spend the next two days riding to the border, and then hop on a 10+hour boat ride across Lake Nasser to Wadi Halfa, Sudan. Should be an interesting ride for sure! We're pretty excited to be getting close to our second country!

We have very little to update since our last blog in Safaga, the road conditions between here and there were phenominal! And the heat hasn't been too extreme so far, though as we are constantly riding south, the right sides of our bodies are distinctly more tanned than the left! Right now we are staying at Rezeiky Camp in Luxor, which is really just a hotel whose grounds have been invaded by 50 tents. We had the option to pay and stay in the hotel, but we figured we've only been camping for a week and a half, so it wasn't time for that yet. We spent our first rest day doing laundry, maintaining our bikes and preparing for Sudan. Stew, so far, Judy and I have had some of the least amount of issues with our bikes...seems that we got some good quality parts, equipment and advice from you, thanks a lot!

One thing that was interesting was that in cycling from Safaga to Qena, we were heading towards the Nile and as we got closer, things got greener and people started appearing along the roads (the desert was very sparsely populated). It is amazing how water changes everything. In Qena, there were SOOO many people everywhere, especially children who knew very little English. "Hello" and "Money" were the most common things that we heard. Almost all of them were very friendly though and we felt like celebrities waving to either side as we rode through packs of children.

We have added a few pictures here as well, so enjoy! As we mentioned briefly, we have no idea what internet is going to be like in Sudan, but we will try to get another update as soon as possible.

Judy & Andrew

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Too cool!! Thanks for posting photos.