Sunday, January 25, 2009

1400km - Dongola, Sudan

Hello everyone!

So we are in Sudan safe and sound. The hype in the media really throws you off about this place, at least the part we are in. People are incredibly friendly and welcoming, everyone says hello when you are walking down the street (without trying to sell you something or asking you for money) and no one tries to rip you off when you are buying something from their little shop! So much different from Egypt. Sudan is evolving everyday, which is why although we were told that there would be no internet access we found some and it is the fastest yet. They are even running Pentium 4s here! All for a cost of about CAD $0.75 per hour.

Cycling is getting a little tougher as the weather gets hotter and hotter, and we still have 2 more countries until we hit the equator. Not only did Sudan bring hotter weather, it also brought the first non-paved roads meaning we have to exert ourselves much more to get the same distance. Imagine trying to cycle 100km through a beautiful sandy beach...when its 40 degrees...minus the water to cool off in. Subsequently we've had our first bout of sickness, quite likely caused by minor heat stroke and missed one day of riding. We are all better now though and looking after ourselves, enjoying a rest day in Dongola.

We have gone over 1400km now and have 4 more days of cycling before reaching Khartoum and then we should cross the Ethiopian border on February 3rd. The food continues to be delicious everywhere we go, and nothing beats a giant bag of falafel from a roadside vendor (for CAD $0.60)!

If there is any aspect of our trip that you are curious about (ie. the people, food, technology, etc.) let us know and we will try and include some info on that topic in our next update.

Andrew & Judy

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