Friday, January 9, 2009

And so it Begins...

We don't have much time to write right now as we are madly packing the truck and getting ready to start cycling tomorrow. We just want to let everyone know that we have enjoyed our time in Cairo and have stayed healthy and are 100% ready to go riding tomorrow morning (at 6:30am). We have gone on three practice rides just to get used to our bikes and the traffic, etc...just 20-25km. All went well.

We are riding 128km tomorrow starting at the Pyramids and going to a camp in the middle of the desert. We are really excited and ready to go. Hopefully, that spirit can be maintained after a few days of hard riding (the day after tomorrow is 168km!)

We might not have internet for at least 5 or 6 days (or more) but if you want daily updates, go to They will put an update up daily with pictures when possible so you can know how everything is going or if there are any setbacks etc.

Our internet is about to run out, so that is all for now. Sorry we could not write more. Hopefully on our next rest day we'll find a nice cheap internet cafe and have a good amount of time to write lots and put up pictures.

Ciao for now!

Andrew & Judy

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Totally read your profiles on the website - and might have laughed a little when I realized that only you and Andrew wrote them in 3rd person while everyone was in 1st person.

The tour looks grueling -- good luck on the first few sets of 100+ km days. Did you bring TigerBalm!??!

Sending good vibes your way and hope everything goes well && you stay safe!!