Thursday, December 4, 2008

First off, welcome! And thanks for visiting, this is to be the first of many updates of our trip to Africa. Whether you're here just to make sure we're still alive, or wanting to see the first updates of pictures, thanks for supporting us!

Andrew and I are taking part in a 11,900km long trek from Cairo, Egypt to Cape Town, South Africa. We leave Cairo on January 10th, 2009 and finish (somewhat more tanned) 4 months later in Cape Town. We are taking this trip for various reasons. On one hand, although some may call us crazy, to us this is a vacation. On another level it is a journey to experience the vast world in which we live. Another motivation behind this trip was to fundraise. The Tour d'Afrique Cycling Company that we are going with is associated with a foundation; the Tour d'Afrique Foundation. The foundation purchases bicycles for healthcare workers in Africa. One of the major downfalls of African healthcare is not what you might suspect, a lack of medical professionals, but rather it is a lack of transportation. Getting the doctors and nurses to the people proves difficult in a world where even us "wealthy" North Americans can bearly afford fuel for our cars, not to mention the roads which range from packed sand, to old lava flows to some super brand new roads that would rival ours. Bicycles are the most reliable way in Africa! To date we have raised $7,272.97; so close to our goal of $8,000! None of this would have been possible without the generous support of all of our friends and family! A huge thank you to everyone who has already donated! Andrew and I will actually have the honour of being at two bike presentation ceremonies throughout the course of our trip, which is very exciting! If anyone is interested in making a donation, either contact Andrew or, I or visit In the comments box simply put Andrew McLellan & Judy Garnier's Student Fundraising.

Right now we are madly packing, trying to get last minute visas (who knew that a Sudanese tourist visa would be so hard to get) and say our so longs to all of our friends. We leave Canada December 13 if all goes well. On our way to Africa is a pit stop in Southern India (don't worry its the safe part of India) for Andrew's brother Colin's wedding and a stop in Dubai and the way back across the globe to Africa. More to come...
Andrew & Judy

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